OneJustice Adopts New Strategic Plan

OneJustice is proud to release our 2022 Strategic Plan to the community. OneJustice is committed to advancing a more just and equitable California by supporting a thriving and more effective legal service sector and we are confident that this plan is a foundational piece to advancing that theory of change. A big thank you to our dedicated staff, board, and Onside Partners for facilitating the planning process, and our community partners for sharing their insights.

This process has helped us develop programs and pathways for our partners, both public and private. Our work will bring our expertise and reputation as collaborators to work hand in hand with our partners to create an even bigger impact and close the justice gap in California.

We learned that the pandemic has had significant effects on how service providers work, and what their current needs are. This new strategic plan will pivot our work to meet this need. We also learned that technology has changed how we can provide that expertise, reaching service organizations and partners statewide in more accessible ways. We also learned what programs are making the biggest impact, and which programs need to be created to meet the needs of our partners.

Mission Statement: Strengthen the legal service sector’s expertise and capacity to advance justice and equity.


  • Build the skills of legal aid organizations with cutting edge skill building and best practice tools.
  • Fight to expand resources for all of California’s legal aid organizations.
  • Convene the sector and community to collaboratively harness the direct experience, wisdom, and power of those on the ground providing direct services.
  • Collect and share real data and critical analysis about systemic trends and solutions.

Our Impact Will Be….

  • Statewide leadership that is visionary, strategic, and diverse.
  • Innovative and improved legal services
  • Reforming unjust & inequitable systems
  • Legal aid that is well resourced and accessible.
  • A legal sector that manages and deploys resources strategically.
  • Mobilization around collective problems – action around opportunities.

Follow us to learn more about our programs and how you can continue to contribute to this meaningful work.