Movement Lawyering

OneJustice trains lawyers on a community centered approach to social justice lawyering that recognizes strategic integrations for lawyers and activists to work together.

With a national shortage of legal aid attorneys and as COVID-19 funding expires, rental income assistance flat lines, and eviction moratoriums are coming to an end, those most at risk are in crisis.

Movement Lawyering is a unique community centered approach to social justice that empowers those most affected by laws and policies. Movement Lawyering strategies focus on improving community outcomes for all:

  • Building collective power instead of focusing solely on individual case outcomes.
  • Re-imagining the legal landscape and cultivating new ways to utilize it.
  • Building legal infrastructure to support grassroots-led organizing.

Movement Law: Theory and Practice

OneJustice provides a series of trainings to law students and legal practitioners. OneJustice’s work focuses on fostering a community that is dedicated to transformative legal strategies.